(Real) Goals for the New Year

It’s almost the new year, and all around, people are making resolutions. So, goals are on my mind.

I love goals.

I love having a clear plan, and I REALLY love checking them off.

So, I make a lot of goals. I might have sent my supervisors an email ‘Here’s the 3 goals you asked for and 8 or 9 more just for me.’

(I’ve mentioned a few … interleaving, and practice questions, and a few others)

There are big, important goals to be set in teaching. And they matter. And you might be making them right now.

But, at this point in the year, I’m thinking about the little goals that keep us sane.

Because as much as I believe in all the goals, I also believe in taking little steps (and sanity

And, I want to encourage all of us to set little, sanity preserving goals for the start of 2020, and the second half of the school year.

So, the goals at the top of my personal list:

  • Make my copies at least a day in advance (this is quite possibly the best thing ever for not arriving at class a frazzled mess)
  • Clear my desk before I leave (I am defining ‘clear’ to include ‘stuff piled in the right basket’- but mostly I’m trying to have less paper)
  • Send emails with praise and compliments (because people deserve it way more than they get it)

And …. as we start 2020, wishing you all the success in all the goals (big and small)

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