Goals. And playlists.

New school year goals: Something about learning. Every. Single. Class.

I make long lists of goals each year, and this is on the list for September.  I do something about learning a lot of classes already (see, basically all of this blog), but I want to make it more consistent.

My students got a steady drip of unhelpful messages about learning in their previous schooling, so this matters.

However, there isn’t enough class time to cover all the content as it is. And — much as I love finding ways to integrate learning about learning and learning about math — there isn’t enough prep time to design new activities for every class. (Yet!)

So, one of my go-to’s for those other classes will be, um, YouTube.  (I wish I had a fancier more creative answer for you, but sometimes, you just gotta do what works)

I’ve been building myself a collection of short, accessible videos about the learning process in general or about math in particular.

I figure they’re a two-fer.

We get some good info and messaging about learning. And it’s kind of a brain break; we’re still learning, but it mixes things up a bit.

Mostly, I’m dropping these into class at/as a transition. We come in, we do our spiral review, we watch a video about learning, we move on to something new. Good, but low-fuss.

But – can we have a moment of honesty about what a slog it is to search for videos for class? It takes me forever to sift through and find something that’s the right topic/level/tone/length. (If you have hacked this, please tell — because I have not. at all. )

But, I’m slowly finding them, and (summer projects!) started a playlist. to share them with you.

YouTube: Learning About Learning, collected by Mathacognitive


And, if you’ve got favorite, student-friendly videos… please return the favor! The year has a lot of classes.


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