What I *was* Emailing Myself 3.31.20

Pre-COVID, I collected these links. They’re good. Although I feel out of sync with every other feed, sharing them now.

But, while we’re practicing social distancing, I’m largely practicing news and social media distancing. My mental health is better without taking in too much of everyone else’s (understandable, totally reasonable, messingwithmyheadanyways) worry.

Tthere are undoubtedly many informative, relevant links about digital learning, and viral progress. I also need to remember that there is life beyond the pandemic, so enjoy.

I’m curious to explore these digital manipulatives Mathigon (via @mr_davis_math on Twitter)

How to Help Students with Learning Disabilities Focus on their Strengths (via Greater Good, Berkley)

Teachers’ stories from Story Corps (via Mind/Shift)

One useful exception:

5 calming reminders about what matters most during pandemic panic & school closures

PS. My favorite place to share links and resources is the mathacognitive facebook page. .. I hope you’ll check it out!

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