4 Go-To Math Activities

As I’ve shared, I’m so grateful at this point in my career to have a set of flexible activities that I know work for me and my students, that I can swap new content in when I need to.

And, in the past, I’ve been so grateful to learn from other teachers, I thought I’d round up some information on a few of my favorite activities.

Equivalence Cards

Possibly my most gone-to go to. Format changes mess with my students’ tenuous sense that they understand math, so this feels key.

A question and answer, two forms of the same value, a term and a definition. Pairs on small cards are easily shuffled. Students can match equivalents, or play Concentration to build fluency.

Comparison Cards

Note to self: Write a post about comparison cards

Key question: Which decimal? Signed number? Exponent? Algebraic expression? etc. is larger? Values on small cards can be ordered or play “War” to compare

I love to make both types of cards using google slides (click for my free tips)

Error Correction

Transform a worksheet or text book activity, and seriously level up the critical thinking.

Teacher does the worksheet … with all of the common errors that students might make make. Hand out red pens, and let students find and correct them. 

Extension: Have students write you a note about what you need to remember (They’re such encouraging teachers)

Write Shuffle Share

Have *students* write examples or questions on index cards. Check the answers, shuffle and re-distribute. Repeat. 

Infographic: 4 go to math activities... that aren't worksheets.
1. Equivalence cards
2. Comparison cards 
3. Error correction 
4. Write, shuffle, share
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