MA DESE Desk Review Tips and Tricks (aka: How I Use LACES Saved Searches to Save Time)


This guide to simplifying the MA DESE Desk Review process is intended as a supplement to the instructions produced by LiteracyPro/distributed by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) for the FY20 Desk Review Process. 

It does not replace the more comprehensive guidelines. 

It does provide one efficiency-minded practitioner’s tips for making the process easier. 

Process Overview:

  1. One-Time Manual Searches: Follow the detailed instructions provided by LiteracyPro or your own method for each item in the Desk Review.
  2. Save Searches: Save each search to repeat next  time. This guide includes instructions to save searches and tips for naming and finding them. 
  3. Run & Tweak Saved Searches: For future Desk Review updates, just run your previously saved searches. This guide includes instructions about where you’ll have to update searches for subsequent reports 

Saving Searches: 

Create any search (for example, follow the instructions for ABE Enrollment NRS Participants) 

Click “Save Search” below the green search tiles and enter a name for your search (see below for tips). If others will also be using this search or contributing to the Desk Review, consider checking “Share this search with your agency” 

Click “Save as New” 

Saved Search Naming Tips: 

Saved and shared searches are organized alphabetically. 

Using a common beginning will group them together, modify the order by adding sequential alphabet letters to your names.  (Adding the letters will put your searches in a convenient order, instead of scrolling through the list for each field.) 

Suggestion:  Desk Review – [Alphabet Letter] – [Description e.g. ESOL Enrollment NRS] 

What to Save: 

As many Desk Review Searches as you can!

It takes one step to apply a saved search, so any searches that require more than one step , or are hard to remember/counter-intuitive (what’s on table 4b again?) and will be used regularly are worth saving. 

Search Tips: 

Number of Students with ABE Pre Test Only  & Number of Students with ESOL Pre Test Only: 

Include the full fiscal year in the “between these dates” fields. (7/1 – 6/30) to reuse the search. This will return all students in the fiscal year up to the date you are searching. 

If you need to search a smaller time period, you can modify this search by clicking on the “Hours Attended” tile. 

Number of HSE credentials attained: 

Include the full fiscal year (7/1 – 6/30) to reuse the search. This will return all students in the fiscal year up to the date you are searching. 

If you need to search a smaller time period, you can modify this search by clicking on the “Secondary School Diploma Earned” tile and editing

Using Saved Searches: 

From the Student Grid, click the small blue “Searches” to expand the menu, and scroll to the bottom where it says “My Searches”.  Click the black triangle to expand your list of saved searches. 

Click on the search you want to run. Generally, you will want to select “Replace”, which removes your prior search. 

Shared Searches: Access searches shared by other users in you agency, at the bottom of the list of searches by clicking “Shared Searches”, located just below “My Searches”.

Line by Line Tips: 

Enrollment Tab

ABE Enrollment (NRS Participants)

ESOL Enrollment (NRS Participants)

Enrolled Non-NRS Participants (Reportable Individuals)

Enrolled Non-NRS Participants with 12+ Hours
Apply appropriate saved search. 

Click the pencil icon in the “Hours Attended” search tile. 

Change the ‘between’ dates to the start/end date for each month. Click Apply.  

Work in rows. Find the ABE enrollment for each month, before changing the search and finding the ESOL enrollment etc.
ABE Waitlist

ESOL Waitlist

Undefined Waitlist
Run saved search

MSG Outcomes

Number of students with ABE Pre-tests only

Number of ABE students with at least 65 hours since pretest but no posttest

Number of ABE students with at least one post test

Number of students with ESOL Pre-tests only

Number of ESOL students with at least 65 hours since pretest but no posttest

Number of ESOL students with at least one post test

Number of students with 12+ hours and never assessed
Run saved search
Number of ABE EFL completionsFrom the student grid, search for ABE in the “Entry Level” column.

Once the filter loads, follow the directions to access the Student: Level Gains report. 

Scroll to the bottom to see “Grand Total for All Students”
Number of ESOL EFL completionsFrom the student grid, search for ESL in the “Entry Level” column.

Once the filter loads, follow the directions to access the Student: Level Gains report.

Scroll to the bottom to see “Grand Total for All Students”  
Number of HSE credentials attainedRun saved search
Number of post exit post secondary enrollmentsFollow the directions to switch to ALL POPS SUMMARY in the green “More” menu. 

Run saved search. 

Employment Outcomes

Eligible for Employed in 4th Quarter

Eligible for Employed in the 2nd Quarter
Change view to “All PoPs Summary”

Apply appropriate saved search. 

Click the pencil icon in the “all PoP’s.ExitDate” search tile. 

Change the ‘between’ dates to the start/end date for each quarter. Click Apply.  

Work in columns. Find the eligible, then employed for each quarter, then earnings (for 2nd quarter) then change the date.
Employed in the 4th Quarter

Employed in the 2nd Quarter
Run “Eligible for Employed’ search.

Follow the directions to select ‘Yes’ in the Employed 4th Quarter Column OR Employed 2nd Quarter Column

Work in columns. Find the eligible, then employed for each quarter, then earnings (for 2nd quarter) then change the date.
2nd Quarter Median EarningsComplete the steps to identify students Employed in 2nd Quarter (above)

Follow the directions to export to Excel and calculate the median.

Work in columns. Find the eligible, then employed for each quarter, then earnings (for 2nd quarter) then change the date.
Total Number of FY20 NRS participants

Number of NRS participants providing an SSN

Apply the appropriate saved search


This guide reflects the experiences and practices of one ABE practitioner with the MA DESE Desk Review for ABE programs. It is not endorsed or reviewed by LiteracyPro or the Department of Education. Please review your own program’s data to ensure accuracy.


Additional questions? Follow up? Work with me on additional adult education data projects? Please use the form below to contact me.